
Coast Guard Catalog
Coast Guard Aviation
- HH-65 Dolphin, HH-52A Sea Guard, HH-3F Pelican, HH-60J Jayhawk, HU-25 Guardian, PBY-5A Catalina, HC-130 Hercules
We have recently acquired plans for most CG vessels. Profile drawings of nearly every type of CG ship are possible.
Please make your request
Available in “racing stripe” or pre racing stripe configurations- Secretary Class 327 ft Cutters USCGC Taney WHEC 37, USCGC Ingham WHEC 35, USCGC Campbell WHEC 32, USCGC Spencer WHEC 36, USCGC Duane WHEC 33, USCGC Bibb WHEC 31
WPG versions available also!
- Owasco Class 225 ft Cutters USCGC Winona WHEC 65, USCGC Kalamath WHEC 66, USCGC Owasco WHEC 39, USCGC Winnebago WHEC 40, USCGC Chautqua WHEC 41, USCGC Sebago WHEC 42, USCGC Iroquois WHEC 43, USCGC Wachusett WHEC 44, USCGC Escanaba WHEC 64, USCGC Minnetonka WHEC 67, USCGC Mendota WHEC 69, USCGC Pontachartrain WHEC 70
WPG versions available also!
- Casco Class 311 ft Cutters USCGC Casco WHEC 370, USCGC Matagora WHEC 371, USCGC Humbolt WHEC 372, USCGC Mackinac WHEC 373, USCGC Absecon WHEC 374, USCGC Chincoteague WHEC 375, USCGC Coos Bay WHEC 376, USCGC Rockaway WHEC 377, USCGC Half Moon WHEC 378, USCGC Unimak WHEC 379, USCGC Yakutat WHEC 380, USCGC Barataria WHEC 381, USCGC Bering Strait WHEC 382, USCGC Castle Rock WHEC 383, USCGC Cook Inlet WHEC 384, USCGC Dexter WHEC 385, USCGC McCullough WHEC 386, USCGC Gresham WHEC 387
WAVP versions available also!
- Class 378 ft Cutters (both as built and modernized) USCGC Hamilton WHEC 715, USCGC Dallas WHEC 716, USCGC Mellon WHEC 717 , USCGC Chase WHEC 718, USCGC Boutwell WHEC 719, USCGC Sherman WHEC 720, USCGC Gallatin WHEC 721, USCGC Morgenthau WHEC 722, USCGC Rush WHEC 723, USCGC Munro WHEC 724, USCGC Jarvis WHEC 725, USCGC Midgett, WHEC 726
- Bear or Famous Class 270 ft Cutters USCGC Bear WMEC 901, USCGC Tampa WMEC 902, USCGC Harriet Lane WMEC 903, USCGC Northland WMEC 904, USCGC Spencer WMEC 905, USCGC Seneca WMEC 906, USCGC Escanaba WMEC 907 , USCGC Tahoma WMEC 908, USCGC Campbell WMEC 909, USCGC Thetis WMEC 910, USCGC Forward WMEC 911, USCGC Legare WMEC 912, USCGC Mohawk WMEC 913
- ATA Class USCGC Modoc WMEC-194, USCGC Comanchee WMEC 202
- Diver Class USCGC Yocona WMEC-168 , USCGC Acushnet WMEC 167, USCGC Escape WMEC 6
- Navaho Class ATF USCGC Ute WMEC 76, USCGC Lipan WMEC 85, USCGC Avoyal WMEC 150, USCGC Chilula WMEC 153, USCGC Cherokee WMEC 165, USCGC Tamaroa WMEC-166
- Active Class 125 ft Cutters USCGC Active WSC 125, USCGC Agassiz WSC 126, USCGC Alert WSC 127, USCGC Bonham WSC 129, USCGC Boutwell WSC 130, USCGC Cahoone WSC 131, USCGC Cartigan WSC 132, USCGC Colfax WSC 133, USCGC Diligence WSC 135, USCGC Ewing WSC 137, USCGC Frederick Lee WSC 139, USCGC General Green WSC 140, USCGC Kimball WSC 143, USCGC Legare WSC 144, USCGC Marion WSC 145, USCGC McLane WSC 146, USCGC Morris WSC 147, USCGC Travis WSC 153, USCGC Vigilant WSC 154, USCGC Yeaton WSC 156, USCGC Cuyahoga WSC 157
- WMEC 38 Storis Class USCGC Storis
- WMEC 3 Vindicator Class
- Island Class 110 ft Cutters USCGC Farallon WPB 1301, USCGC Manitow WPB 1302, USCGC Matagorda WPB 1303, USCGC Maui WPB 1304, USCGC Monhegan WPB 1305, USCGC Nunivak WPB 1306, USCGC Ocracoke WPB 1307, USCGC Vashon WPB 1308, USCGC Aquidneck WPB 1309, USCGC Mustang WPB 1310, USCGC Naushon WPB 1311, USCGC Sanibel WPB 1312, USCGC Edisto WPB1313, USCGC Sapelo WPB 1314, USCGC Matinicus WPB 1315, USCGC Nantucket WPB 1316, USCGC Attu WPB 1317, USCGC Baranof WPB 1318, USCGC Chandeluet WPB 1319, USCGC Chincoteague WPB 1320, USCGC Cushing WPB 1321, USCGC Cuttyhunk WPB 1322, USCGC Drummond WPB 1323, USCGC Key Largo WPB 1324, USCGC Metopkin WPB 1325, USCGC Monomoy WPB 1326, USCGC Orcas WPB 1327, USCGC Padre WPB 1328, USCGC Sitkinak WPB 1328, USCGC Tybee WPB 1330, USCGC Washington 1331 USCGC Wrangell WPB 1332, USCGC Adak WPB 1333, USCGC Liberty WPB 1334, USCGC Anacapa WPB 1335, USCGC Kiska WPB 1336, USCGC Assateague WPB 1337
- 123 Foot Extension modified Island Class USCGC MATAGORDA (WPB 1303), USCGC METOMPKIN (WPB 1325), USCGC PADRE (WPB 1328), USCGC ATTU (WPB 1317), USCGC NUNIVAK (WPB 1306),USCGC VASHON (WPB 1308), USCGC MONHEGAN (WPB 1305), USCGC MANITOU (WPB 1302)
Bouy Tenders (WLB or WAGL)
- Ft. USCGC Buoy Tender Iris Class USCGC Arcacia WLB 406, USCGC Basswood WLB 388, USCGC Bittersweet WLB 389, USCGC Blackhaw WLB 390, USCG Blackthorn WLB 391, USCGC Bramble WLB 392, USCGC Firebush WLB 393, USCGC Hornbeam WLB 394, USCGC Iris WLB 395, USCGC Mallow WLB 396, USCGC Mariposa WLB 397, USCGC Redbud WLB 398, USCGC Sagebrush WLB 399, USCGC Salvia WLB 400, USCGC Sassafras WLB 401, USCGC Sedge WLB 402, USCGC Spar WLB 403, USCGC Sundew WLB 404, USCGC Sweetbrier WLB 405, USCGC Woodrush WLB 407
- Ft. USCGC Buoy Tender Mesquite Class USCGC Buttonwood WLB 306, USCGC Ironwood WLB 297, USCGC Mesquite WLB 305, USCGC Papaw WLB 308, USCGC Planetree WLB 307, USCGC Sweetgum WLB 309
- 180 Ft. USCGC Buoy Tender Cactus Class USCGC Balsam WLB 62, USCGC Cactus WLB 270, USCGC Citrus WLB 300, USCGC Clover WLB 292, USCGC Conifer WLB301, USCGC Cowslip WLB 277, USCGC Evergreen WLB 295, USCGC Gentian WLB 290, USCGC Laurel WLB 291, USCGC Madrona WLB 302, USCGC Sorrel WLB 296, USCGC Tupelo WLB 303, USCGC Woodbine WLB 289
- Ft USCGC Buoy Tender Red Class USCGC Red Wood WLM 685, USCGC Red Beech WLM 686, USCGC Red Birch WLM 687, USCGC Red Cedar WLM 688, USCGC Red Oak WLM 689
- 133 Ft USCGC Buoy Tender White Class White Sumac (WLM-540), White Alder (WLM-541), White Bush (WLM-542), White Holly (WLM-543), White Sage (WLM-544), White Heath (WLM-545), White Lupine (WLM-546) and White Pine (WLM-547)
- Buoy Tenders Juniper Class 125 Ft Tenders USCGC Juniper WLB 201, USCGC Willow WLB 202, USCGC Kukui WLB 203, USCGC ELM WLB 204, USCGC Walnut WLB 205, USCGC Spar WLB 206, USCGC Maple WLB 207, USCGC Aspen WLB 208, USCGC Sycamore WLB 209 , USCGC Cypress WLB 210, USCGC Oak WLB 211, USCGC Hickory WLB 212 , USCGC Fir WLB 213 , USCGC Hollyhock WLB 214 , USCGC Sequoia WLB 215, USCGC Alder WLB 216
- Buoy Tenders Keeper Class USCGC Ida Lewis WLM 551, USCGC Katherine Walker WLM 552, USCGC Abbie Burgess WLM 553, USCGC Markus Hanna WLM 554, USCGC James Rankin WLM 555, USCGC Joshua Appleby WLM 556, USCGC Frank Drew WLM 557, USCGC Anthony Petit WLM 558, USCGC Barbara Mabrity WLM 559, USCGC William Tate WLM 560, USCGC Harry Claiborne WLM 561, USCGC Maria Bray WLM 562, USCGC Henry Blake WLM 563, USCGC George Cobb WLM 564
- Buoy Tenders Hollyhock Class WLM-212 and 252 USCGC Fir and Walnut
- 65 Ft Tenders USCGC Ouachita WLIC-65501, USCGC Cimarron WLIC-65502, USCGC Obion WLIC-65503, USCGC Scioto WLIC-65504, USCGC Osage WLIC-65505, USCGC Sangamon WLIC-65506
- 75 Ft Tenders USCGC Anvil WLIC-75301, USCGC Hammer WLIC-75302, USCGC Sledge WLIC-75303, USCGC Mallet WLIC-75304, USCGC Vise WLIC-75305, USCGC Clamp WLIC-75306, USCGC Wedge WLIC-75307, USCGC Spike WLIC-75308, USCGC Hatchet WLIC-75309, USCGC Axe WLIC-75310
- 100 Ft Bluebell Class Inland Buoy Tenders USCGC Bluebell WAGL/WLIC-313, USCGC Smilax WAGL/WLIC-315, USCGC Primrose WAGL/WLIC-316, USCGC Verbena WAGL/WLIC-317
- 44 Ft Motor Life Boat All boats possible
- 47 Ft Motor Life Boat All boats possible
Foot Patrol Boats
- 83 Ft Patrol Boats WWII-1960’s Versions
- 82 Ft Patrol Boats USCGC Point Class, USCGC Point Caution, USCGC Point Hope, USCGC Point Young, USCGC Point League, USCGC Point Partridge, USCGC Point Jefferson, USCGC Point Glover, USCGC Point White, USCGC Point Arden, USCGC Point Garnet, USCGC Point Slocum, USCGC Point Verde, USCGC Point Swift, USCGC Point Thatcher, USCGC Point Comfort, USCGC Point Clear, USCGC Point Herron, USCGC Point Orient, USCGC Point Kennedy, USCGC Point Lomas, USCGC Point Hudson, USCGC Point Grace, USCGC Point Grey, USCGC Point Dume, USCGC Point Cypress USCGC Point Banks, USCGC Point Gammon, USCGC Point Welcom, USCGC Point Ellis, USCGC Point Marone, USCGC Point Roberts, USCGC Point Highland, USCGC Point Ledge, USCGC Point Countess, USCGC Point Glass, USCGC Point Divide, USCGC Point Bridge, USCGC Point Chico, USCGC Point Batan, USCGC Point Lookout, USCGC Point Baker, USCGC Point Wells, USCGC Point Estero, USCGC Point Judith, USCGC Point Arena, USCGC Point Bonita, USCGC Point Barrow, USCGC Point Spencer, USCGC Point Franklin, USCGC Point Bennet, USCGC Point Sal, USCGC Point Monroe, USCGC Point Evans, USCGC Point Francis, USCGC Point Huron, USCGC Point Stuart, USCGC Point Steel, USCGC Point Winslow, USCGC Point Charles, USCGC Point Brown, USCGC Point Nowell, USCGC Point Whitehorn, USCGC Point Turner, USCGC Point Lobos, USCGC Point Knoll, USCGC Point Warde, USCGC Point Heyer, USCGC Point Richmond, USCGC Point Barnes, USCGC Point Brower, USCGC Point Camden, USCGC Point Carrew, USCGC Point Doran, USCGC Point Harris, USCGC Point Hobart, USCGC Point Jackson, USCGC Point Martin
- 87 Ft Patrol Boats USCGC Barracuda, USCGC Hammerhead, USCGC Mako, USCGC Marlin, USCGC Stingray, USCGC Dorado, USCGC Osprey, USCGC Chinook, USCGC Albacore, USCGC Tarpon, USCGC Cobia, USCGC Hawksbill, USCGC Cormorant, USCGC Finback, USCGC Amberjack, USCGC Kittiwake, USCGC Blackfin, USCGC Bluefin, USCGC Yellowfin, USCGC Manta, USCGC Coho, USCGC Kingfisher, USCGC Seahawk, USCGC Steelhead, USCGC Beluga, USCGC Blacktip, USCGC Pelican, USCGC Redley, USCGC Cochito, USCGC Manowar, USCGC Moray, USCGC Razorbill, USCGC Adelie, USCGC Gannet, USCGC Narwahal, USCGC Sturgeon, USCGC Sockeye, USCGC Ibis, USCGC Pompano, USCGC Halibu, USCGC Bonito, USCGC Shrike, USCGC Tern, USCGC Heron, USCGC Wahoo, USCGC Flying Fish, USCGC Haddock,USCGC Brant, USCGC Shearwater, USCGC Petrel, USCGC Sea Lion, USCGC Skipjack, USCGC Dolphin, USCGC Hawk, USCGC Saifish, USCGC Sawfish, USCGC Tiger Shark, USCGC Blue Shark, USCGC Sea Horse, USCGC Sea Otter, USCGC Manatee, USCGC Diamondback, USCGC Piranha, USCGC Skate
- 95 Ft Patrol Boats USCGC Cape Small, USCGC Cape Coral, USCGC Cape Higgon, USCGC Cape Upright, USCGC Cape Gull, USCGC Cape Hatteras, USCGC Cape George, USCGC Cape Current, USCGC Cape Strait, USCGC Cape Carter, USCGC Cape Wash, USCGC Cape Hedge, USCGC Cape Knox, USCGC Cape Morgan, USCGC Cape Fairweather, USCGC La Crete a Pierriot, USCGC Cape Fox, USCGC Cape, USCGC Cape Jellison, USCGC Cape Newagen, USCGC Cape Romain, USCGC Cape Starr, USCGC Cape Cross, USCGC Cape Horn, USCGC Cape Darby ,USCGC Cape Shoal Water, USCGC Cape Florida, USCGC Cape Corwin, USCGC Cape Porpoise, USCGC Cape Henlopen, USCGC Cape Kiwanda, USCGC Cape Falcon, USCGC Cape Tritiny, USCGC Cape York , USCGC Cape Rosier, USCGC Cape Sable, USCGC Cape Providence, USCGC Cape
- Healy Class Ice Breaker USCGC Healy WAGB-20
- Polar Star Class Ice Breakers USCGC Polar Star WAGB-10, USCGC Polar Sea WAGB-11
- Storis Class Ice Breaker USCGC Storis WMEC-38, WAGB-38
- Northwind Class Ice Breakers USCGC Westwind WAGB-281, USCGC Northwind WAGB-282, USCGC Burton Island WAGB-283, USCGC Eastwind WAGB-284
- Mackinaw Class Ice Breakers USCGC Mackinaw WAGB-83
- Eagle Class Training Barque USCGC Eagle WIX 327